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Hathor is the goddess of love, music, and heaven.

Hathor temple. Hathor's many forms lead her to be considered the mother of the goddesses of the terrestrial world and the afterlife. She was also the patron goddess of the miners who dug for turquoise. In her attribution to the sky, she is linked to Horus. Her name literally means "House of Horus". Hathor is the daughter of the sun god Re. Whenever Re would call upon her, she would become his eye and "carry out slaughters (Remler, 76)" in Re's name. This lead to horror and destruction everywhere she went. In order to pacify Hathor, one would need to play the sistrum, one of her special instruments.  

Hathor is also compared to the Greek goddess Aphrodite. She is also the goddess of fertility and protector of women during childbirth. In Thebes, she was known as the "Lady of the Western Mountain."

Myths relating to this deity:

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