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The Three Noble Children

Izanagi entrusted each one of his children a mission: to Amaterasu, he gave him his necklace and entrusted her the realm of heaven; to Tsukuyomi, he entrusted him with the realm of night; and finally, to Susanoo, he entrusted him with the oceans.

Everyone fulfilled their duties obediently, but Susanoo, who wouldn't do anything but cry.

— Why is it you do not rule the land entrusted to you, but instead weep and howl? —asked his father.

— I wish to go to the land of my mother, Izanami. That is why I weep

— In that case, you may not live in this land!

With this words, Izanagi expelled Susanoo.

— I wish to see my sister before leaving.

Thus, Susanoo ascended to heaven. His sister, believing he had come with illintentios, received him dressed in a full armour. The god explained to Amaterasu that he didn’t mean to harm her.

— And how will I know that your heart is pure and that you are telling the truth? —asked the goddess.

— Then let’s make a pact and have children.

And thus, Amaterasu took Susanoo’s legendary sword and divided the blade in three parts. Washing them with holy water, she chewed them and from this three goddesses were born. Susanoo took the ribbon of Amaterasu’s hair and after washing it and chewing it, five gods were born.

— The five male deities born in the last place were created from my things, there is no doubt that they are my sons. The three female deities born first were created from your things, there is no doubt that they are your daughters.

With this, the created deities were distributed.


Rubio, C. and Moratalla, R (2008) Kojiki, Cronicas de antiguos hechos de Japón. Editorial Trotta. Translated from spanish by Mythology Web.

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