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Demeter (Ceres in roman mythology) is the goddess of agriculture. His father was Cronus, a titan who ate her when she was a child. Her brothers and sisters are: Zeus/Jupiter, Hera/Juno, Hades/Pluto, Poseidon/Neptune and Hestia/Vesta. She fought in the Titanomachy with her siblings after Zeus liberated her).

A statue of Demeter/Ceres.

She is known for being the mother of Persephone/Proserpina and for being the cause for the four seasons. You can check this myth here.

"The Return of Persephone" by Frederic Leighton.

Symbols: wheat, cereals in general.

"Ceres" by Oscar Schindler.

Myths related to Demeter/Ceres:


-Encyclopedia Britannica: Demeter, Persephone.

-Images from Wikimedia Commons, public domain.



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